GoGo is PRA 1 and NADs Clear
Many thanks go out to Mardell
Leppington and Linda Smith of Riff Raff Papillons for sending
this wonderful little girl to us. GoGo is a little bundle of Joy
and is certainly living up to her name. On her first weekend out
she won a Puppy Group and beat out Specials to win Best of Breed
and went on to win a Group 4. On GoGo's second weekend out she
Wins 3 Best of Winners and Best Puppy In Show!
GoGo continues her winning ways, another Best Puppy in Show and
Group 4, Best Puppy in Papillon Canada National Specialty Show,
a Select win, and AOM at the Canadian Papillon Nationals, plus
she won a very competitive 9-12 month class at the American Papillon
National. She also won the Prairie Toy Association Puppy Sweeps!
GoGo earned her Am Championship very quickly placing Best of Opposite
over Specials. She is a hoot to show, GoGo will attend shows from
time to time as she loves to strut her stuff.